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This Page Semantic Annotations


Article UML Diagram
Supertypes = Thing, CreativeWork
Subtypes = BlogPosting, NewsArticle, ScholarlyArticle, TechArticle
Inherited properties = additionalType:URL, description:Text, name:Text, image:URL, sameAs:URL, url:URL,

about:Thing,accountablePerson:Person, aggregateRating:AggregateRating, alternativeHeadline:Text, associatedMedia:MediaObject, audience:Audience, audio:AudioObject, author🙁Person or Organization), awards:Text, comment:UserComments, contentLocation:Place, contentRating:Text, contributor: Person or Organization, copyrightHolder:Person or Organization, copyrightYear:Number, creator:Person or Organization, dateCreated:Date, dateModified:Date, datePublished:Date, discussionUrl:URL, editor:Person, educationalAlignment:AlignmentObject, educationalUse:Text, encodings:MediaObject, genre:Text, headline:Text, inLanguage:Text, interactionCount:Text, interactivityType:Text, isBasedOnUrl:URL, isFamilyFriendly:Boolean, keywords:Text, learningResourceType:Text, mentions:Thing, offers:Offer, provider:Person or Organization, publisher:Organization, publishingPrinciples:URL, reviews:Review, sourceOrganization:Organization, thumbnailUrl:URL, timeRequired:Duration, typicalAgeRange:Text, version:Number, video:VideoObject

Properties = articleBody:Text, articleSection:Text, wordCount:Integer
Defined by =
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An article, such as a news article or piece of investigative report. Newspapers and magazines have articles of many different types and this is intended to cover them all. Subtypes include blog posts, news, or school works.

This class contains derivatives of IPTC rNews properties. rNews is a data model of publishing metadata with serializations currently available for RDFa as well as HTML5 Microdata.


A first example

Using RDFa 1.1 Lite

        <div vocab="" typeof="Article">             <h1 property="headline">Allies Are Split on Goal and Exit Strategy in Libya</h1>             <h2 property="description">NATO Takes Command</h2>             <div property="associatedMedia">                 <div typeof="ImageObject">                     <img property="contentURL" alt="Lybia war sample"                         src="/files/rNews-Sample-Story/libya_sample_reuters.jpg"/>                     <div>Credit: <span property="author">Goran Tomasevic</span>/ <span                             property="sourceOrganization">                             <span typeof="Organization">                                 <span property="name">Reuters</span>                             </span>                         </span></div>                     <div property="caption">Rebel fighters take cover during a shelling near                         Ajdabiyah, Libya on Thursday.</div>                 </div>             </div>             <div>By <span property="author">                     <span typeOf="Person">                         <span property="name">STEVEN LEE MYERS</span>                     </span>                 </span>and <span property="author">                     <span typeOf="Person">                         <span property="name">DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK</span>                     </span>                 </span></div>             <div>WASHINGTON | <span property="datePublished" >March 24, 2011</span></div>             <div property="articleBody">                 <p>Having largely succeeded in stopping a rout of Libya's rebels, the inchoate                     coalition attacking Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi's forces remains divided over the                     ultimate goal &#8212; and exit strategy &#8212; of what officials                     acknowledged Thursday would be a military campaign that could last for                 weeks.</p>             </div>         </div>

Using Microdata

<div itemscope itemtype="">    <div itemprop="headline">     Allies Are Split on Goal and      Exit Strategy in Libya   </div>    <div itemprop="description">     NATO Takes Command   </div>    <div itemprop="associatedMedia">     <span itemscope itemtype="">        <img itemprop="contentURL"         src="/files/rNews-Sample-Story/libya_sample_reuters.jpg"/>        <div>          Credit:          <span itemprop="author">Goran Tomasevic</span>/         <span itemprop="sourceOrganization">            <span itemscope itemtype="">             <span itemprop="name"> Reuters</span>           </span>         </span>       </div>      <div itemprop="caption">        Rebel fighters take cover during a shelling        near Ajdabiyah, Libya on Thursday.     </div>        </span>   </div>    <div>      By <span itemprop="author">STEVEN LEE MYERS</span>      and <span itemprop="author">DAVID D. KIRKPATRICK</span>   </div>    <div>      WASHINGTON |       <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2011-03-24"/>      March 24, 2011   </div>    <div itemprop="articleBody">      <p>       Having largely succeeded in stopping a rout of        Libya's rebels, the inchoate coalition attacking        Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi's forces remains divided        over the ultimate goal ? and exit strategy ?        of what officials acknowledged Thursday would be        a military campaign that could last for weeks.             </p>   </div> </div>

Using Microformats

A second example:

Using RDFa 1.1 Lite

Using Microdata

<div itemscope itemtype="">   <h1 itemprop="name">The Semantic Web Revisited</h1>   <strong>Authors:</strong>     <span itemprop="author">       <span itemscope itemtype="">          <span itemprop="familyName">           Shadbolt         </span>,         <span itemprop="givenName">           N.         </span>;       <span itemprop="affiliation" itemscope itemref="UniS"/>       </span>     </span>     <span itemprop="author">       <span itemscope itemtype="">         <span itemprop="familyName">           Hall         </span>,         <span itemprop="givenName">           W.         </span>;         <span itemprop="affiliation" itemscope itemref="UniS"/>       </span>     </span>     <span itemprop="author">       <span itemscope itemtype="">         <span itemprop="familyName">           Berners-Lee         </span>,         <span itemprop="givenName">           Tim         </span>;         <span itemprop="affiliation" itemscope itemref="UniS"/>       </span>     </span>     <span itemscope itemtype="" id="UniS">       <span itemprop="name">           Sch. of Electron. and Comput. Sci., Southampton Univ.       </span>     </span>     <div itemprop="publisher">       <strong>This paper appears in: </strong>         <span itemscope itemtype="">           <span itemprop="name">             Intelligent Systems, IEEE            </span>         </span>     </div>     <div>       <strong>Issue Date: </strong>       <span itemprop="datePublished">         Jan.-Feb. 2006        </span>     </div>     <h2>Abstract</h2>     <div itemprop="description">        The article included many scenarios in which intelligent         agents and bots undertook tasks on behalf of their human        or corporate owners. Of course, shopbots and auction bots         abound on the Web, but these are essentially handcrafted         for particular tasks: they have little ability to interact         with heterogeneous data and information types. Because we         haven't yet delivered large-scale, agent-based mediation,         some commentators argue that the semantic Web has failed to         deliver. We argue that agents can only flourish when standards         are well established and that the Web standards for expressing         shared meaning have progressed steadily over the past five years      </div> </div>

Using Microformats

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