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This Page Semantic Annotations


BlogPosting UML Diagram
Supertypes = Thing, CreativeWork, Article
Subtypes = none
Inherited properties = additionalType:URL, description:Text, name:Text, image:URL, sameAs:URL, url:URL,

about:Thing,accountablePerson:Person, aggregateRating:AggregateRating, alternativeHeadline:Text, associatedMedia:MediaObject, audience:Audience, audio:AudioObject, author🙁Person or Organization), awards:Text, comment:UserComments, contentLocation:Place, contentRating:Text, contributor: Person or Organization, copyrightHolder:Person or Organization, copyrightYear:Number, creator:Person or Organization, dateCreated:Date, dateModified:Date, datePublished:Date, discussionUrl:URL, editor:Person, educationalAlignment:AlignmentObject, educationalUse:Text, encodings:MediaObject, genre:Text, headline:Text, inLanguage:Text, interactionCount:Text, interactivityType:Text, isBasedOnUrl:URL, isFamilyFriendly:Boolean, keywords:Text, learningResourceType:Text, mentions:Thing, offers:Offer, provider:Person or Organization, publisher:Organization, publishingPrinciples:URL, reviews:Review, sourceOrganization:Organization, thumbnailUrl:URL, timeRequired:Duration, typicalAgeRange:Text, version:Number, video:VideoObject

Properties = none
Defined by =
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A blog post.


A Simple Example

<div class="post" itemscope itemType="">   <h2 class="post-title" itemprop="headline">   Introducing Search engines come together for a richer web   </h2>   <div class="introduction" itemprop="description">      Short description of my post   </div>   <div class="date-header">     <meta itemprop="datePublished" content="2011-06-02T16:00Z"/>    6/02/2011 10:00:00 AM</div>   <div class="post-body" itemprop="articleBody"> 		Today we're announcing ....   </div>   <div class="post-author" itemprop="author">    <span itemscope itemtype="">      Posted by       <span itemprop="name">Ramanathan Guha</span>, Google Fellow   </span>    </div> </div>

A More Complex Example

<div class="post uncustomized-post-template" itemscope itemType="">  <meta itemprop="inLanguage" content="en-US"/>  <a name="4114463250997066075"/>  <h2 class="post-title">    <a href="http:...">      <span itemprop="headline">       Introducing Search engines come together for a richer web      </span>    </a>  </h2>  <div class="post-body">    <div class="date-header">      <span itemprop="datePublished" content="2011-05-06T10:00:00">6/02/2011 10:00:00 AM</span>    </div>    <p itemprop="articleBody">     Today we're announcing <a href=""></a>, a new initiative from      Google, Bing and Yahoo! to create and support a common vocabulary for structured data markup      on web pages. With <a href=""></a>, site owners and developers      can learn about structured data and improve how their sites appear in major search engines.      The site aims to be a one stop resource for webmasters looking to add markup to      their pages....    </p>   </div>   <div itemprop="author">    <span class="byline-author" itemscope itemtype="">      Posted by       <span itemprop="name">Ramanathan Guha</span>,       <span itemprop="worksFor">Google</span> Fellow    </span>   </div>   <div class="post-footer">    <p class="post-footer-line post-footer-line-1">     <a itemprop="url" href="http://..." title="permanent link">Permalink</a>    </p>    <div class="post-share-buttons">     <a class="goog-inline-block share-button sb-twitter" href="..." title="Share to Twitter">      <span class="share-button-link-text">Share to Twitter</span>     </a>    </div>    <p class="post-footer-line post-footer-line-2">     <span class="post-labels">Labels:      <a href="" rel="tag">        <span itemprop="keywords">search</span>      </a>     </span>    </p>   </div> </div>

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